We provide one of a kind Executive Peer Group Facilitation services to non-competitive companies looking to participate in a specific geographical location. Groups can consist of up to 15 member companies that participate in monthly or quarterly meetings that cover a variety of topics, giving members an opportunity to establish bonds and devote time to collaborative idea sharing.
Industry or service based groups… Each member will have a connection to the main group title (i.e. Technology, Mechanical, Legal, etc.) and be able to contribute industry / service expertise
Ownership structure… Most members will be owners of privately held companies but groups may also include CEOs of private equity owned businesses
There must be a cultural fit with other members… No egos, trustworthy, candid, and believers in the peer learning principle
Group must be beneficial to all members. Everyone must have something to add and receive
Use of a facilitator is key for maximizing the value of the time spent with the peer group
Members need to be committed and prioritize team meetings
Members need to get to know each other and develop trust and relationships
Only peer group focused on the technology industry
A network with similar needs to discuss purchasing decisions, referrals, and lessons learned
Access to technology industry specific benchmark and compensation data
With that focus will come greater opportunities to compound the benefits of the group